Friday, 15 August 2008

Day Twenty one: camping and bananas

Tomorrow I set off for a three week trip away. This may prove to be a major challenge...

The first week will be volunteering with a group of young people from Oxford, at the Mersea Island Festival, somewhere in Essex. I'm prepared to some extent - I've packed a plate, bowl, cup etc but as I've had no hand in planning the thing I really don't know what plastic challenges will present themselves. A report will follow eventually.

The following two weeks, I'll be at a theoretical physics summer school. I think the mug will help - last conference all the cups were polystyrene (though I kept mine and reused it).

On another note, the absence of flapjacks and other plastic-wrapped snacks means that I am eating A LOT of bananas. But it seems that you need at least 15 to be in danger of potassium poisoning...

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